About the place Galaktika
м. VDNKh
Mira ave, house 150, thstinitsa "Kosmos"
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Breakfasts: from 07:00 to 09:00, price 300-500 rub
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Akademika Korolyova str., house 8A.
Akademika Korolyova ul., house 8A.
subway station VDNKh
Mikluho-Maklaya ul., house 10A.
subway station Belyaevo, Kaluzhskaya, Kon’kovo, Yugo-Zapadnaya
Mira ave, house 150, thstinitsa "Kosmos".
subway station VDNKh
Plescheeva ul., house 15.
subway station Bibirevo, Medvedkovo
Посещений: 1932, за текущий месяц: 1, за сегодня 1